
Thursday, April 3, 2014

At last the time has come to share the “HAPPINESS UNPLUGGED” which took about one month to make & it’s now mere one page!
If you feel worth sharing, then please share……………
Happiness Unplugged formula 1:
Ø Allow the CHILD in you to be alive!
Ø Learn from a child how to be happy.
Ø Remember children are the HAPPIEST on this planet!
Ø Never ever kill the CHILD in you to make your life DULL, DRY & DESERT!

Ø And enjoy the life as it unfolds to you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

At last the time has come to share the “HAPPINESS UNPLUGGED” which took about one month to make & it’s now mere one page!
If you feel worth sharing, then please share……………

Happiness Unplugged formula 1:
Ø Allow the CHILD in you to be alive!
Ø Learn from a child how to be happy.
Ø Remember children are the HAPPIEST on this planet!
Ø Never ever kill the CHILD in you to make your life DULL, DRY & DESERT!

Ø And enjoy the life as it unfolds to you!

Click to see the video

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ignite Brilliance!!!!!

“Times are changing, so are we!”
Neo-ideas always say
Move on! Move on!
Move on for the better!
Nothing can stop us
Drag us behind!
Get up
The world is calling you!
Ignite B R I L L I A N C E!
And unleash the P O W E R within us!
Shake off the negative outdated drags if any
And come out with fresh leash of U N A D U L T E R A T E D
A I R full of N E O–I D E A S!
Let’s come out from our mental blocks
To look at the world with
P O S I T I V E  U N B I A S E D  E Y E S!

V I C T O R Y will surely be ours!