
Monday, January 25, 2016

SELF-ESCAPE :: You can befool others
But not yourself !
You can befool others
But not yourself !
Sometimes you justify
Your existence
And tend to overwork.
Some other times
Again you justify
Your existence
And tend to underwork.
Neither time
You are happy !
Don't think the planet
Is full of fools;
Others are not fools
And you are not wiser either !
Self care is possible
When you care yourself.
And self talk is possible
When you bare yourself.
Care and bare will
Go together
When you are you !
When you are you
Everything tends to
Fall into its place
And you become
Phenomenally attractive to others.
You are satisfied, contented
And wholesome one !
You start getting the
Cosmic bliss
Because you are
One with yourself !

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