
Sunday, May 29, 2016




■ Don't take calls
■ Don't open emails
■ Don't be on social media

♥ Love yourself




Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic connecting devices such as smartphones and computers. It is regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world.

 What you could do for your digital detox?

1. Choose a day that works for you on a practical level. Find a day when taking an ‘unplugged’ day out will not be too complicated, obviously weekends are often the preferred choice.

2. Set up an ‘away’ message on your email account in preparation for your “digital absence”.If you choose a weekend for your 24-hour digital detox, arranging to respond on Monday is completely acceptable.

3. Double-check that you have everything that you need before you unplug. Print instructions, meeting points, maps, guides and whatever other tech-free items that you will need to make your ‘unplugged’ day run smoothly.

4. Ideally the night before you start your 24 hours ‘unplugged’, switch off all your computers and digital devices and lock them away and store them out of sight especially away from the bedroom.

5. Decide what your intention for the day is and what you would like to focus your attention on for your 24-hour digital detox.

6. As you have a whole day at your disposal, your day may feel unnaturally long without the continuous distraction of your always ‘on’ life. Make plans ideally in advance, for your digital detox day, so that you have a day of activities to look forward to. This is also the perfect opportunity to get physical and reconnect with your body.

7. Make sure to also factor in some ‘down time’ and ‘alone’ time so that you give yourself an opportunity to slow down and give your brain a chance to recover from digital overload. If you plan to be away for the day and go on a trip then try and include some ‘low key’ moments amongst the physical activities.

8. At the end of the day take some time to unwind. Create space to meditate, have a long bath and read a book (instead of a smartphone) before going to bed.

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