
Saturday, March 15, 2014

How to relieve stress instantly?

How to relieve stress instantly? 
 No need to stress out my dear! In life, it just happens and sometimes it's unavoidable. Want to know how to instantly turn that stress around, calm your nerves and increase feel good (happy) hormones? In this video I'm going to show you how to instantly relieve stress and increase feel good (happy) hormones. We will use an ancient healing method called alternate nostril breathing. Alternate nostril breathing is a great way to get centered, calm the mind, balance the hormones, de-stress & recharge body, mind & spirit! It prevents heart disease, get rid of acidity, constipation, allergies: promotes better sleep, fights asthma & brain problems & prolongs life! If you are prone to anxiety or have a high stress job, I recommend doing this "stress busting" method 3-5 minutes a day or until your stress is gone. Food for thought: what can your stress teach you? Where does stress keep showing up? Is stress really a bigger message? While the alternate nostril breathing method is a great way to relieve stress and increase happy hormones, I encourage you to do everything you can to remove the cause of your stress. I’ve explained them elaborately in the 7 part series on Causes & COPING STRATEGIES of STRESS MANAGEMENT Part 1 to 7:

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