
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ignite Brilliance!!!!

Ignite Brilliance!!!!

“Times are changing, so are we!”
Neo-ideas always say
Move on! Move on!
Move on for the better!
Nothing can stop us
Drag us behind!
Get up
The world is calling you!
Ignite B R I L L I A N C E!
And unleash the P O W E R within us!
Shake off the negative outdated drags if any
And come out with fresh leash of U N A D U L T E R A T E D
A I R full of N E O–I D E A S!
Let’s come out from our mental blocks
To look at the world with
P O S I T I V E  U N B I A S E D  E Y E S!

V I C T O R Y will surely be ours!

Click to see the video

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