
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

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Nudity in Art: A Virtue or Vice?

"What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that
the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful that the garment
with which it is clothed?"

people feel that the nude form is something that should be hidden away both in
art and the artist's classroom. Although this may seem at first like a mere
annoyance, such people frequently attempt to stop others from viewing or
learning from the human form, thereby infringing on their rights to create and
consume art as they wish. On the ARC website there are countless paintings and
sculptures featuring nude figures. From time to time, this anti-nudity theme
pops up in the ARC website feedback and on the GoodArt mailing list, normally
starting because someone says something along the lines of "All of this
would be wonderful if only you would hide or eliminate the presence of nudity
on the site."

I believe that one source of this sort of comment arises from a lack of
understanding of how the best art is taught and created. All of the recommended
art training programs promoted by ARC include nude figure drawing in the
curriculum, and thus it has always been, back to the days of the ancient
Greeks. In fact, it would be virtually impossible to teach someone how to draw
accurate human anatomy without this essential tool. Even to depict a clothed
figure one needs to fully understand the mechanics of what is underneath.
Drawing the nude figure is the only way to accomplish this, as is the practice
of learning how to draw the bones and muscles beneath the skin.
issues aside, nude figures also offer important expressive tools to artists.
They can show human beings in ways that are uniquely valuable. For one thing,
expressions of nudes are the extreme opposite of expressions of figures wearing
trench coats, hats, and dark sunglasses. They also allow the artist to show
people outside of a historical context if he wishes to do so. Put any kind of
clothing on a person in a painting or a sculpture and you tie them down to a
time when that kind of clothing was common or popular and apart from times when
it wasn't.
said, at times the figures need to wear clothing due to the nature of what is
being portrayed, yet the artist may still wish the message to be universal to
all men of all times. One way of doing this has been to dress the figures in a
sheet or simple cloth which is often called classical garb which drapes the
figures and feels like it could be taking place in the past present or future.
I like to call this placing the figures in the "ancient distant
nudity the artist can show human beings in a way that focuses the attention on
the figure and not irrelevant matters like how their shirts are buttoned, how
their skirts are being draped, and whether they are wearing the most stylish
kind of hat. The ability of the artist to focus attention on the important
aspects of what is going on and to remove distractions from this subject of
focus is a common reason for the choice of nude figures as well.
the human body can be a beautiful thing to contemplate and this can be a useful
artistic tool in and of itself, just as flowers, sunsets, and mountains are
similarly useful tools in the artist's toolkit. And if the point of art is
primarily to express ideas about the nature of humanity, man's role in the
world then it would be natural to expect that the unadorned human form would be
among the most powerful of those expressive tools and indeed it is.
reasons for these anti-nudity comments vary widely but they contain some common
themes. I have collected some of my thoughts on this subjects in this brief
essay to stimulate further discussion and understanding. I'm sure it will
stimulate some reactions, positive and negative, so don't be shy about
contributing feedback whatever your point of view may be whether on the GoodArt
Forum or personally at
are the complaints? The folks who complain about nudity on art sites (and in
artist training) do so for a variety of reasons, so it's worth examining and
categorizing these complaints before responding to them.
"Looking at nudes impacts the mind in negative ways, most notably by
making one obsessed with sex."

Ultimately, this is the premise of most of the complaints even if it isn't
expressed quite this clearly and directly. The idea is that sexual imagery is
so powerful that it needs to be locked away and/or psychologically repressed to
avoid turning us all into sex-crazed beasts. This view then requires that we lock
away any images that might stimulate sexual thoughts, including all nudity.
"I can't allow my kids to look at the website because there are nudes

These complaints typically come from well-meaning people who like good art but
who are worried about the impacts on their kids if they see nude bodies. It
comes down to mostly the same kind of issue as the one above, but with the case
of children needing special protection from sexual obsession. People differ
about the age at which various kinds of images are appropriate for viewing by
children of various ages, often with somewhat different rules for those before
puberty versus after, but all are concerned for whatever reason with children
below some particular age being exposed to artistic nudity.
"Nudity means sex, which is bad/dirty and to be avoided."

This view really has two parts, first that nudity and sex are the same thing or
highly related. By this view, any nude figure is inherently symbolic of sexual
activities or thoughts. Second, that sex is bad, dirty, or shameful, and one
ought to refrain from thinking of or engaging in sexual things. Thus, one ought
to avoid looking at (or creating works of art containing) nudity.
"Nudity is pornography, which is bad and to be avoided."

This is a similar idea to the previous one except that it equates all nude
portrayals with pornography rather than sex per se. Presumably the idea is that
pornography leads to sexual obsession as in the first complaint above.
"Female nudes are an affront to the power of women because it makes them
objects of male lust rather than complete human beings."

This is mostly a subset of the "sex is evil" argument, though one
focused on a specific target, namely that sex between men and women is evil
since the sexual role of males is "dominant" or just plain evil, and
female nudes are just an example of male sexual oppression. These arguments are
premised on the notion that all or nearly all interactions between people in
society are part of a sexual power struggle between males and females and seen
through this light, pretty much anything remotely sexual that goes on between
men and women (and pretty much anything non-sexual too for that matter)
involves male domination over females and this needs to be fought against in a
strongly emotional and determined way.
complaints are sometimes accompanied by concerns over the ratio of male to
female artists or models selected for inclusion on the site, and on occasion,
these same people sometimes complain about male nudes on the grounds that they
illustrate male sexual power and prowess which acts to suppress the freedom of
"I have religious objections against nudity."

Of course there are a great many religious traditions out there and some do
have proscriptions against nudity and sexuality outside of certain approved
circumstances. However, many religions and cultures may find a large number of
non nudes objectionable for one reason or another as well.
"I want to become an artist but I am worried that it might be necessary
for me to view nudes in figure drawing classes and I don't know if I can handle
that. What should I do?"

This is typically a corollary of the religious objection, but it is
particularly difficult since avoiding nudity in art is a lot easier if art
isn't directly related to one's profession.
do I respond to these complaints? These groups can be broken down into
categories that encompass all the comments described above:

"Looking at nudes impacts the mind in negative ways, most notably by
making one obsessed with sex."

I believe that this is simply false, at least for most normal people. If you
look at circumstances where nudity is commonplace such as showers in gyms, nude
figure drawing sessions in art schools, nude beaches, and primitive societies
where public nudity is commonplace, you don't see a hyper-sexualized
environment at all. Quite to the contrary, in these contexts nudity loses its
sexual connotation entirely. On the other hand, in social situations where
little or no exposure of the body is allowed (such as certain Muslim countries
today or 19th century Europe and America for example) tame displays of the body
such as exposing an ankle, a short sleeved shirt, or the ruffles of a petticoat
might drive men into a sexual tizzy. If anything, it would seem that sexual
hypersensitivity and obsession is far more associated with a prudish approach
to nudity than to one that makes it more commonplace.
can't allow my kids to look at the website because there are nudes there."

Of course one should be concerned about exposing children to sexually explicit
materials before they are old enough to understand it, but what does this have
to do with the kind of nudity on the ARC website and in other classically
oriented museums around the globe? Nothing that I can see. Sex and nudity are
not the same thing.
I think that adults tend to project their own intense interest in sexual
matters onto children who in fact don't have such interests at all. Instead,
they are more likely to have curiosity about whatever "forbidden
fruit" it is that their parents seek to hide away from them. In my
experience, young children are likely to respond to a nude painting or statue
by saying something like "Oh, so that's what a naked woman/man looks
like." shrug their shoulders, and go back to whatever they were already
doing. If an uncomfortable sexual situation arises, (like dogs mating in public
for example), the situation is generally far more uncomfortable for the adults
who are worried about being asked embarrassing questions, than for the kids who
are just mildly curious about what's going on rather than blushing and becoming
upset. Likewise, it is generally parents rather than children who typically
have the bouts of anxiety associated with discussing where babies come from.
many of the concerns of parents in western society derive from Freud's research
and mostly discredited theories on the impact of nudity on young developing
minds, it would be well beyond the scope of this article to launch into their
accuracy and impact. Suffice it to say that such a discussion might well be
excellent material for a possible follow up article and discussion.
if parents want to avoid giving their kids a psychological obsession related to
sex or nudity they should avoid making a big deal out of such things, starting
at an early age. I don't mean that they should take them to strip clubs or have
them watch X-rated movies by any means, but they should also not make the
opposite mistake of covering their eyes when they walk past an artistic nude in
a museum, scolding or swatting a dog for copulating, or becoming freaked out if
the child sees a couple holding hands or kissing passionately. Children learn
their early emotional responses to things by watching their parents, so if you
want to avoid having them develop sexual obsessions or unduly negative
attitudes about sex, the best medicine is to avoid acting in obsessive or
negative ways yourself.
I think it is a mistake to associate nudity exclusively with sexual activity or
sexual meaning. A nude can be highly sexual or not at all sexual, just as a
clothed figure can be highly alluring or non-sexual as well. For example, these
artworks include nude figures even though they are not charged with sexual
meaning has a lot more to do with the treatment of the figures than it does
with how much clothing they are wearing.
means sex, which is bad/dirty and to be avoided."

There are problems with both of the points of view embodied in this complaint.
The first is the idea that nudity and sex are the same thing, or perhaps more
specifically, that a painting with nudity in it is expressing a sexual message.
That this is not the case seems so clear to me that it's hardly worth
mentioning. Nudity certainly can be used in such a way as to highlight sexual
thoughts but it need not do so at all or may do so only to a limited extent.
There's a wide gulf between artistic nudes and pornography and it is wrong to
impute to one the properties of the other.
second is that sex is something that is bad, dirty, or evil. What is supposed
to be so terrible about sex even if there is something of it involved in the
meaning of a work of art? I can certainly see reasons to think that obsessive
fascination with sexual things can be harmful but I think that's different from
what is being criticized in these cases since that's not the sort of images on
the ARC website. If anything, it is the folks who are obsessed with eliminating
anything remotely sexual from the world who seem a bit too obsessive about the
subject to me.
is pornography, which is bad and to be avoided."

Pornography involves the gross depiction of explicit sexual material entirely
to stimulate a psychological sexual thrill. Not all art works that include nude
figures have anything to do with sex, and not all art that addresses sexual
matters approaches the subject from a prurient point of view. Is there some art
that does so? Sure, but we don't include such images on the ARC Museum. We do
however include a fair number of nude figures from the other categories. The
bottom line is that there's no pornography on the ARC website.
side question is whether adults viewing pornographic materials is harmful per
se. Viewed in moderation I don't see any great harm in it myself, though in the
context of these websites it's not particularly relevant since there's nothing
pornographic on the site.
this mean that it is impossible for someone to become "hooked on
pornography"? Of course not. That happens to people regardless of their
exposure to nudity in art from what I can tell, and in fact, if anything,
sexual repression and a prudish attitude toward nudity and sex are much more
causally related to psychological problems of this kind than the availability
of nude figures in art.
nudes are an affront to the power of women because it makes them objects of
male lust rather than complete human beings." 

This view lumps a wide variety of material into a single category that most of
it doesn't fit merely on the basis of the clothing worn by the subjects:

Sexualized Nudes the point of which is something other than
"objectification and dominance"

Sexualized Nudes that do in fact express those negative ideas

Clearly the first category cannot have that meaning since its subject has
nothing to do with sex at all (for example Parrish's "The Dinky Bird"
above which is about carefree joy and youth rather than sex) and thus it can't
be (except in the vivid imagination of conspiracy theorists perhaps) delivering
that kind of message.

Images related to sexual topics can express a whole range of ideas such as
"Sex is good", "Sex is bad", "Relaxing after a
satisfying sexual encounter is wonderful", "Beautiful women can use
their sexual attractiveness to beguile men", or "the tension between
sexual and intellectual interests as a powerful psychological factor". The
vast majority of these kinds of subject matter has nothing at all to do with
the feminist tropes of "male domination" or "female
objectification", and thus it has nothing to do with most such art,
especially since some versions of these ideas are of rather recent vintage.
These themes can also appear both with and without recourse to nudity.
there is indeed some art that is genuinely and intentionally degrading (to
members of whatever group or to people in general) and sometimes the nature of
that degrading message is related to sex (again, whether males, females, racial/ethnic
groups, or what have you), or it may be degrading or insulting in ways that
have nothing to do with sex at all. Be that as it may, nudity is not necessary
to create such art, nor is it sufficient. One can be highly degrading to any
group portraying only people who are fully clothed or not. There's no way to
tell from the use of nudity whether an artwork is ennobling, degrading, or
irrelevant to that issue based on whether the people in the artwork are clothed
or not. So if you want to criticize or avoid degrading art then by all means do
so, but don't use the short cut of assuming that you can tell whether a work of
art is like that based on the clothing or lack thereof in the work. In fact,
some works such as orientalist paintings of slave markets for example, may
portray degradation of people, often even vulnerable-looking nude people, to
show how bad degradation is.
is no doubt that they are about to be degraded and abused in the narrative of
the painting, but not sexually and not by means of the artwork itself despite
the fact that they are not wearing any clothes. In fact, their nudity (and
their beauty) is clearly intended to make them seem more vulnerable to the
animals about to be unleashed on them, but also their attractiveness also helps
to generate sympathy for them and to highlight what a tragic waste of human
beings this is.
people may however maintain that nudity per se (most commonly female nudity)
necessarily conveys in some impossible to define sense, some sort of demeaning attack
on femininity or women. The very fact that they can't really identify what it
is about nudity per se that necessarily brings this about, or how the artist
couldn't have possibly have had some other intent than to demean in mind, or
that even if the artist didn't intend to be demeaning he somehow was doing so
in some kind of hidden or subconscious way should be a clue that they are
basing this opinion on their own prejudices rather than anything in the works
they are criticizing. To these people all I can say is that if everything in
the world looks rose-colored to you, perhaps you should consider the
possibility that it is your rose-colored glasses that are causing this rather
than the world itself being tinted in a weird direction.

To imagine that the point of Anna Lea Merritt's Love Locked Out is somehow a
message of abasement, prurience, or demeaning to the kind of person being
portrayed is to completely miss the whole point of the painting out of an
obsessive focus on perverse and distasteful sexual matters, the avoidance of
which oddly enough, is usually given as the justification for the objection to
this kind of painting in the first place. Merritt painted this after her
husband of just three months had died. It depicts Cupid attempting to force the
golden door of a mausoleum in grief, tragedy, loneliness, and sorrow, the roses
of life withered and scattered at his feet, and his lamp discarded in
frustration in the light of an autumn morning. That's not abasement, that's
great art.

Art, from the beginning, endeavored to express emotions and historical facts to
be understood by all human souls of all nations, without need of written words.
Art uses the gestures of human beings, the atmosphere of the universe to convey
thought and emotions and to record events. Without thought and emotions, it has
no reason for existence.
we can see from this that there are many works of art containing nudity that
are utterly innocent of these kinds of charges and concerns, and among the
rest, only a tiny portion of works of art fall into that category, and that's
also not a category that we display on the ARC site. Nude figures? Sure.
Degrading or prurient portrayals? Certainly not.
have religious objections against nudity."

While this charge varies a great deal depending on the religious background of
the person in question, it commonly comes from Christians and I think that
there are a number of good reasons to reject this point of view on
religious/theological grounds.
I don't know of any direct biblical admonitions against nudity or viewing
nudity. There is of course the commandment about not "coveting thy
neighbor's wife" and adultery, but viewing (or even admiring) a nude
figure doesn't necessarily elicit covetous thoughts or adulterous actions. And
among among those with even a smidgen of self-control, they don't necessarily
elicit sexual thoughts at all. One can observe, admire, and respect all kinds
of the things one is not supposed to "covet" without actually
"coveting" them. If it were otherwise, you would have been admonished
against ever seeing any property of your neighbor's that you might therefore
want to steal. Can one not see and even admire your neighbor's new car or ox
without violating this commandment? This is much more about how one looks rather
than at what.
According to the Bible, the first people were made naked and apparently never
wore clothes while they were in God's good graces. They were supposed to have
been in a state of perfect harmony with God, and apparently he saw nothing wrong
with nudity in this story. It was only after Adam and Eve had sinned that they
felt the need to cover themselves and God took this not as a sign that they
were obeying his desires, but as the first outward sign that they were thinking
in ways that didn't conform to his desired way of the workings of the world.
Most Christian denominations teach that the human body is a good and beautiful
thing...a "temple". It seems odd to think that a religion would
declare such a good and beautiful thing to be sinful. From what I can tell,
this whole "nudity and sex are bad" idea entered the Christian
culture, not through the teachings of Christ or Moses, but from the teachings
of Plato and the Platonist St. Augustine. The idea that the spirit is good but
the body is evil comes not from Jewish tradition or the teachings of Jesus, but
ultimately from the pagan teachings of Plato (which became a commonplace part
of Catholicism and later, Protestant sects) and Manichaeus.
The Catholic Church (which was essentially the whole of the Christian community
in the West until the Reformation) was not always prudish about either nudity
or sex at various stages in its history. Millions of Christians (Catholic and
otherwise) visit the Vatican Museum every year which contains a dizzying
variety of nude figures, yet the Church doesn't stop this (though in the past
it has at certain times attached fig leaves to nude statues and paintings) and
in fact commissioned many such works and adorns all its best public facilities
with them (like the Vatican itself for example). The reason that the Vatican
likes nudes is the same reason that artists throughout most of western history
have. They represent man in his purest form, man with nothing held back,
hidden, or reserved, man in his timeless nature, not as conditioned by his
times or circumstances, and as God created him. You don't need to be Catholic
or even religious at all to see that this is so.
am sure that these kinds of complaints are not limited to Christians of course.
The same kinds of issues arise from non-Christians as well and I think that
they are mistaken for similar reasons, though whether this or that religion
does or doesn't approve of nudity in art, unless some good justification for
such a belief can be expressed in non-religious terms, there is no way for the
adherents of that religion to expect anybody else to adopt their point of view.
In other words, religion-based arguments are unlikely to convince anybody who
doesn't already accept that religion. Rational arguments are more likely to be
both relevant and convincing outside of religious enclaves, and rational
arguments are never of the form "You should believe X regardless of
whether my argument is rationally sound or not."
want to become an artist but I am worried that it might be necessary for me to
view nudes in figure drawing classes and I don't know if I can handle that.
What should I do?"

My most simple and direct advice would be to "get over it". This
would be the same advice I would give to someone who worries that his
squeamishness about blood or dead bodies might become an impediment to a career
as a doctor or an undertaker. If you really want to be a great artist then you
should do whatever is necessary to accomplish that goal. It's really not bad.
You won't turn into some kind of sex maniac as a result of seeing a naked
person in a figure drawing class. Seriously.
a somewhat deeper and more serious level, I would recommend that you give it a
try before concluding that whatever scary and horrible things you imagine will
result. You can ask people who have done it themselves if you don't believe me.
It's almost certainly not what you think.
an even deeper level, I would ask that you ask yourself seriously what you are
worried about and what you think is so bad about sex and what is so bad about
nudity. You may well have strong emotional feelings about these things. Many
people do, but if we allowed our emotions to guide our actions we would never
get an inoculation or get out of bed on a rainy day. Many people have been
emotionally scarred by pressures or experiences in their lives in some way
related to sex and while these emotions are very real that doesn't mean that
they need to control our lives and professions. Explore the reasons for these
feelings and you might discover why you react the way you do and you might be
better able to make your own choices in your life by either resolving to
overcome the feelings that hold you back or by accepting them and turning away
from incompatible activities.
course, none of this means that if you can't deal with nudity or even sexuality
you can't become an artist. You can avoid nude subjects, never study nude
drawing, and still have a fine career. I don't recommend it, but if that's what
you want to do there's nothing wrong with it. Make your own choices and live
with the consequences.
people might read all of this and conclude that I'm some kind of nudist or
something. The situation couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm a rather
modest person myself and I think that people obsessed with nudity (for or
against) are a bit strange, and have never had any inclination to join either
side. I just think that a little common sense is necessary when dealing with
nudity in situations like nudes in art education, works of art, and so on, and
not read into nudity a whole lot more than what's actually there. Seeing a nude
person isn't the same thing as having sex with them after all.

All of this doesn't mean that nudity in art doesn't disturb some people. Clearly
it sometimes does, and if good arguments and clear thinking on the subject
don't convince them to change their minds then they have every right in the
world to choose not to look at it. But please don't ask me to stop others from
seeing it or to have me spend hundreds of hours of hard work making it harder
to get at nude images on the ARC website. Believe me, if someone is interested
in seeing nudity on the Internet, the ARC Museum isn't the best places to go
looking for it, especially if they are looking for something titillating or
degrading. Theres nothing like that on the site. What we try to offer in the
ARC Museum is excellent art that can intellectually inform and emotionally
uplift the viewer, whether the subjects of the painting are wearing clothes or
not, and that's the policy I intend to follow in the future.
why does this matter? Is it more than a case of a few eccentrics with strange
ideas cutting themselves off from a source of beauty and perhaps enlightenment
on the subject? I believe it is. One area where it has gone beyond this is in
education. Our schools have become extremely touchy about anything that is in
any way related to nudity or sex and as a result, in many cases, budding
artists are prevented from developing a full sense of appreciation for the
human body and the skills required to portray it effectively. A case in point
is the situation of high school teacher Pete Panse (now retired) who taught art
in Middletown, New York. In 2006 he recommended that a few of his best students
enroll in a figure drawing class at a nearby studio to bring up their skill
level in preparation for college. He thought nothing of it until the school
district decided that to make such a recommendation constituted sexual
harassment and forbade him to make such recommendations again, and attempted to
have him fired. Cases like this have a chilling effect on the spread of proper
skill development in our next generation of artists and this needs to be fought
against diligently.
is a broader social level of concern as well. In a free society we should
expect to enjoy the maximum level of freedom of expression in the arts, whether
as creators or consumers of it. To put a lid on this creativity diminishes our
range of appreciation of the human condition and causes us to constantly edit
our expressions and interpretations in ways not unlike the way people in
totalitarian societies do. What good does the freedom to fully express our
ideas do us if for foolish reasons we hold back on doing so fully? If the best
expression of some idea involves nudity then by all means let's see it! That
way we will always have the best, both of today and also of the past, which
contains plenty of nude work. Would we really be better off if all of that
great art, such a Michelangelo's David, was hidden away? Destroyed? Never made
in the first place? Covered with fig leaves? I don't think so.

I want the artwork I experience to be created with the best training, the best
raw materials, the most creative ideas, and the widest freedom to use all of
those things to make the most excellent works that best efforts can achieve. To
do any less would make the world a worse place to live.

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